Make Labor Planning Season Easy with Planara
The days might be feeling shorter and the forecast might be looking gloomy—but cheer up, it’s labor planning season! For many of us, labor budgeting means spending days and weeks manually pulling together and collating data from across our organizations. That leaves...
Talking Innovation at the 2024 Axsium WFM Forum
I can’t be the only one who tracks their year using important events. And another important event has come and gone—the 2024 Axsium WFM Forum. Which it means it’s that time again: time for me put down my thoughts on the innovations and experiences we discussed. This...
Why Do I Need This: How a Good Labor Model Can Drive Your Success
Labor modelling is a huge part of what we do at Axsium. We love helping our clients to better understand their businesses and become more efficient. But sometimes the benefits of a good labor model can be hard to see. I recently heard about a client who was upset...
Taking Your Labor Modelling to the Next Level: Opus Expands its WFM Integrations
Opus, Axsium’s work measurement and labor modeling solution, has a large and versatile set of workforce management (WFM) system integrations. With this week’s new Opus release, the list continues to expand. No matter which vendor WFM solution your company uses,...