Blog Posts
What does Black Friday represent?
A little history about black friday and what it means for retailers today.
What’s so Special about Leap Day?
Do you need to mark Leap Day as a special day in your workforce system?
Scheduling Challenges, The Trickle Down Effect
Scheduling implications are far reaching, and the fall out from a negative customer experience can take on a viral quality via different social media outlets. But, it's easily overcome with an effective scheduling strategy and system.
My First Workforce Management Discovery: Conversion Rate Modelling
Andrew Gates talks about his UK based retail experiences and how high-end fashion retailers benefited from his conversion modelling approach.
Top 10 Retail Workforce Management Stories from NRF 2012
Bob Clements shares some insight as a follow up on the NRF 2012 show in New York, with a snapshot of the top 10 retail workforce management stories.