WorkForce Software held VISION 2017, its annual user conference in New Orleans from March 13-16, 2017. Several hundred customers, partners and employees attended to receive training, network and understand what’s new with WorkForce Software.
It has been nearly 18 months since Mike Morini took over as Chief Executive Officer from founder Kevin Choksi and just over 9 months since it acquired Workplace Systems. A lot has happened in that time. In 2016, WorkForce Software increased bookings by 23 percent, grew its SaaS business by 33 percent and added more than 122 new customers.

WorkForce Software CEO Mike Morini reviews the company’s 2016 accomplishments.
Since the Workplace acquisition, the company has integrated the two organizations, is working to integrate the products, rebranded WorkForce Software’s EmpCenter product suite as WorkForce Time & Attendance (WT&A), and rebranded Workplace’s product suite as WorkForce Forecasting & Scheduling (WF&S). WorkForce Software even rebranded the company and added a tag line: “Making Work Easy”.
Catch Phrases
But, beyond the new tag line, two other phrases caught my attention at the conference.
Let’s face it, workforce management is not easy to define. WorkForce Software has come up with a simple and elegant way of describing WFM as “taking over where HR stops and payroll starts.” This phrase does a great job of describing the void that WFM solutions fill. It avoids getting into the technical aspects of WFM (like “zero to gross”) and is flexible enough to support WFM’s expanding footprint.
“The Connected Workforce” was the theme of the conference and the second phrase that caught my attention. The concept is based on three things: the digital transformation of the workforce, creating engaged employees and improving employee retention.
The Hub of the Connected Workforce
WorkForce Software wants to be the hub of the connected workforce. To do that, the company has established six priorities:
- a new implementation methodology intended to speed deployment called Xselerate,
- global expansion,
- a transparent product roadmap,
- new customer training options,
- adoption of agile development, and
- an expanded service partner network.
Its three-year product strategy focuses on features to do four things: boost productivity, drive engagement via mobile, unlock the value of the data contained in the system, and deliver best-in-class pay and compliance. A consistent, modern user experience across products and a flexible integration platform will support WorkForce Software’s products. To achieve these goals, the company plans to hire 80 new developers to deliver on this roadmap per Morini.
WorkForce Software laid out an ambitious vision for its future at this year’s user conference. The vision is based on global growth, faster deployments and an aggressive product roadmap. I look forward to see how much progress the company makes at VISION 2018.