Two Timekeeper Training Metrics to Measure

by | Aug 8, 2011

A few weeks ago, Bob Clements mentioned in our retail blog about experiencing a vendor demo with a customer. I love being on-site with customers because there are issues or discussions that come up practically every day that are relevant across the industry to all hospital systems or all users of a particular software system.

Recently, I was with one of our customers who had recently completed an upgrade to Kronos WFC v6.1. We were looking at and talking about what we could measure out of the Kronos system specifically to show the success of (or additional opportunities for) timekeeper training.

Out of that conversation, I want to share with you two metrics that we identified to be their indicators of successful training. It can be challenging to identify good metrics for post-project measurement for any WFM project.

1. Missing Punches

Checking for missing punches is a great measure because it speaks to how well the system is being used by the employees (are they actually punching like they are supposed to?) and how well the timekeepers are using the Genies to maintain the timecards during a pay period.

The following query (works with both SQL Server and Oracle) gets you a count of missing punches (before signoff through yesterday) and can be used as a starting point for your own variation that breaks out the data in a way that you need:

        SELECT COUNT(ts.timesheetitemid) AS CountOfMissingPunches
FROM timesheetitem ts
JOIN vp_allpersonv42 p ON ts.employeeid = p.personid
WHERE ts.deletedsw = 0
AND ts.eventdtm > p.mgrsignoffthrudtm
AND (ts.startreason = ‘missedIn’ OR ts.endreason = ‘missedOut’)

Note that because many Kronos customers do not allow signoff on timecards with missing punches, this metric is designed to best give you day-to-day feedback on how the timecards are being maintained by your staff.

2. Historical Edits

The purpose of historical edits is to put new pay information in (like pay codes) or make changes for (like transfers) past, “already paid” timecards in Kronos. Usually these are directly tied to manual checks that are being cut by your payroll staff. Some historical edits are perfectly normal and expected, but they can also be an indicator of training success. If training was successful and timekeepers are using the system effectively, there should be less manual checks being created as a result of mistakes. The metric that we can query out of the Kronos database is the number of historical edits being created and tracking those to see a reduction after training.

This query is a starting point for measuring historical edits. The key is looking in at the WFCTOTAL table (or one of the views for totals) and comparing the APPLYDTM field to the ADJAPPLYDTM field. The latter is the one that holds the historical effective date of the pay code.

        SELECT t.applydtm AS EditDate, t.adjapplydtm
AS HistoricalDate,     p.personnum AS Employee,
AS PayCode, (t.durationsecsqty/3600) AS Hours
FROM wfctotal t JOIN vp_allpersonv42 p ON t.employeeid = p.personid
JOIN paycode pc ON t.paycodeid = pc.paycodeid
WHERE t.applydtm BETWEEN p.prevpayperiodstart
AND p.prevpayperiodend
AND t.adjapplydtm < p.prevpayperiodstart

This query looks at all historical edits entered in the previous pay period. The goal from a metric standpoint is to look after the fact to see how many historical edits are being entered, and what they are, to see if timekeepers are doing their job effectively and employees are getting paid correctly the first time.

Do you have other specific metrics that you measure to see if your training was successful? Share them below in comments or email me.

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